Don't leave your home purchase to chance - arrive at your closing with confidence!

InterNACHI's Code Of Ethics

Frank & 218 Inspect exceed & strictly abide by InterNACHI's Code of Ethics!

In both my personal & professional life, I've always held myself to the highest ethical standards and have a reputation of being of the highest integrity. In short, I treat people the way I would like to be treated. In addition to my own personal values, I abide by InterNACHI's home inspector Code Of Ethics. See this gold standard of Home Inspector ethics below:

The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI®) promotes a high standard of professionalism, business ethics, and inspection procedures. InterNACHI® members subscribe to the following Code of Ethics in the course of their business.

Members of other associations are welcome to join InterNACHI®, but a requirement of membership is that InterNACHI® must be given equal or greater prominence in their marketing materials (brochures and websites) compared to other inspection associations.

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218 Inspect Service Area:  The following towns are the core of my local service area.  If you are looking for an inspection outside of this area, reach out to me!  My service area includes (in alphabetical order):  Barnum, Beaver Bay, Carlton, Cloquet, Cromwell, Duluth, Esko, Hermantown, Island Lake, Knife River, Larsmont, Moose Lake, Proctor, Saginaw, Silver Bay, Two Harbors, Wrenshall